About The Firm |
Our Credentials: |
- We have filed income tax returns for more than 1,50,000 employees till date
- We are a team of committed professionals with qualified Chartered Accountants
who specialize in serving our clients
- We have been in the business over a decade
- We provide tax consultancy services to Top Indian Corporate Houses and high net
worth individuals
- We provide payroll services to Top Indian Corporate Houses
We understand your world: |
You need a partner who understands your market challenges and offers you a solution.
Given our extensive work over decades, we understand your challenges. We believe we
can be your best partner to deliver payroll services without any room for error, deliver
tax returns filing solutions that addresses the concerns of HR and employees. Data
security is very important for the business, that is why we have invested in state-of-the
art technology hosted in an ISO 9000 certified data centre, with disaster recovery
services. We don’t sell data nor make it available to others. Our technology uses 128-bit
encryption for transmitting data between customer’s browser and our system i.e.
protect the security of information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) software. |
References: |
Kindly contact H. Ajeeth at ajeeth@jettax.in or +91 8754445068 for reference request. |